5 Things You Need To Know If You Want To Work In Fashion

1. Experience is EVERYTHING

This is an industry that is all about what is on your resume or what is in your portfolio. Having experience in the fashion industry is crucial to getting a job in fashion but, (don’t worry) it’s not as hard as you think it is to get experience. Although unpaid internships are not the best, they are a lot easier to get than the few that are actually paid. If you are not in a place, financially, to accept an unpaid position try looking for a job in retail at a clothing store; that shows interest in the industry and honestly, retail positions look really good on a resume because most people in the industry did the same at some point too.

2. There Are So Many Career Paths

One thing that a lot of people don’t realize is how many different aspects there are to the fashion industry. There are so many paths you can take whether it’s in designing, buying, styling, merchandising, operations, or even production. Interning and doing your research is the key to trying out as many roles as you can to see what is the best fit for you.

3. You Don’t Need Connections

The mindset of “you have to know somebody” is definitely still around but not nearly as relevant today. Having a connection can help get your foot in the door to gain initial experience but it is not going to make or break your career if you don’t have an easy way in. I personally never had any connections and got all the opportunities that I did on my own. You may have to work a bit harder and put in extra effort in your job search but it is more than doable to get into the industry with no connections.

4. It’s Rarely Glamorous

People always assume that the fashion industry is very glamorous and exciting to work in and while it does have moments, they are very rare. I will admit there are times when you get to see photoshoots or meet celebrities and designers but, for the most part, it is a lot of hard work. This industry is notorious for having to “earn your place” and “pay your dues” which is accurate and means a lot of bitch work in the beginning. As you move forward in your career there is less of this but it is still a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes. Fashion week is the perfect example, I have worked through two NYFW’s now and while seeing the 15-minute show is super exciting and one of those “Devil Wears Prada” moments, there are weeks of extremely long and stressful days leading up to it. If you can handle the work that goes into being in this industry it makes those exciting events even more special.

5. It Is Not For Everyone

You would be surprised to find out that many people who are working in the fashion industry actually hate it or once they start they realize it is not for them. I have had a few coworkers leave to work in other industries such as business or real estate. A lot of people start working in fashion and think it is going to be like what they see on tv or in movies and they quickly realize it is rarely like that and change their mind. The industry is known for weeding those type of people out since most starting positions include a horrible salary and a lot of long stressful days.