Festival 101: What To Know Before Going To EDC

Planning a trip to Electric Daisy Carnival? These are the top 8 things to know before spending a weekend under the electric sky.

electric daisy carnival

This year, I attended my first EDC (October 2021 in Las Vegas)! I wanted to share with you a list of things to know in case you are planning on going to the festival in the future. Luckily, I went with a big group and a few of them had been previous years and were able to share some tips to make the trip go smoothly. Below are my top tips to ensure you have a great time under the electric sky!

This post is all about what to know before going to EDC.

Click here to see how my first EDC Las Vegas went and what I would do differently!

  1. Screenshot the Map and Set Times

    I cannot stress how important this is, hence why I put it first! This is an absolutely massive festival with thousands and thousands of people which means cell service is not going to be great. Do not rely on using data to access your Insomniac App. Before each day make sure you, and everyone in your group, have a picture of the map as well as all the set times (to avoid confusion, I only had the set times for that single day) to make sure you can get to where you need to go and see who you want to see.

  2. Camp or Hotel + Shuttle Pass

    In case you didn’t know, EDC is held at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway which is about an hour from the Strip. This makes getting to and leaving the festival a bit difficult; which is why everyone really recommends camping because you are so close to the festival and you have the easiest access. I personally am not a camper so if you are like me; getting a hotel and shuttle pass is the next best option. I haven’t experienced this first hand but, I have heard Ubering or driving to the festival is an absolute nightmare and something to avoid. There are multiple shuttle stops along the Strip so be sure you pick one close to your hotel so you can walk to and from the stop each day. Another bonus to taking the shuttle is you go through security before getting on the bus so you don’t have to wait in line when you arrive at the venue.

  3. if you’re in a group, bring a totem

    As I mentioned above, this is a MASSIVE festival and the crowds are huge so if you are going in a big group make sure someone brings a totem. This made meeting back up with our group so much easier because we were able to see where they were from afar. Another tip: if you can add some sort of light to it, all the better!

  4. Check out the Rainbow bazaar for merchandise

    We stumbled upon the cutest little shopping area by accident. On the last day, I was on a mission to buy a pashmina and none of the official merchandise shops sold them so we asked someone from security and they mentioned there was a small pop-up shopping area around the corner. Although it was not EDC merch, they had some really cool stuff and a ton of booths to go check out so I would recommend giving this place a look if you want some kind of souvenir.

  5. have a meeting spot

    Whether you have a totem or not, always have a designated meeting spot. The first thing you should do when you get to the festival is pick a spot that is central and easy to find so you can link back up with your group before a set or after a bathroom break. This will also help if you have a friend that has a lost or dead phone.

  6. Go to the mini bar.

    No further explanation is needed. See for yourself.

  7. bring a portable charger

    This is pretty self-explanatory but often forgotten about. I swear an hour in festival time is like 3 hours in regular time - these nights are LONG and you are going to need your phone. Whether it’s for staying in contact with your friends, taking photos, using it for a flashlight, or taking videos of your favorite sets your phone is a necessity so you don’t want your battery to be dying halfway through the night. A portable battery will honestly be a lifesaver but make sure to recharge it before each night!

  8. bring something to keep you warm

    Desert weather is so unpredictable which makes planning outfits a nightmare. Although EDC 2020 was held in October, the festival typically takes place in the spring so the temperature tends to drop at night. With all the lights and the crowds of people it can get hot but walking from stage to stage or leaving the festival can get pretty cold. Bringing a pair of leggings or even a pashmina will make a huge difference because it’s hard to have fun when you’re freezing your ass off!

    ( Related Video: What I’m Wearing to EDC | EDC Haul )

Posted on 11/28/21

Updated 2/12/22