The Lo-Down: October 2021
As you can tell, I took a bit of a hiatus from my monthly recaps but, after an exciting month of October, I am ready to get back into them. Getting my monthly recap posts up and running again is only the beginning, the start of a new month is making me motivated to spend more time working on my blog as a whole and makes me want to get consistent with my posting. Be sure to stay tuned for any new posts or YouTube videos!
I got a Job (well 2 jobs)
The saying “when it rains, it pours” really comes to mind when I think about my job search situation. I have been on the job hunt (on and off) for the past few months and NOTHING was happening. It wasn’t until mid-October that I started to get contacted by multiple companies for interviews. Take this as a sign to never give up on anything you are passionate about; just when I was starting to feel defeated and like I should start looking for non-fashion industry jobs was when things started to happen for me.
Related Reading: 5 Things You Need To Know If You Want To Work In Fashion
Things started off a bit rocky (to say the least). Basically, I had gotten job offers from two different companies. The first was for a dream company but was not a role I was very excited about, the other was a dream position for a company I was familiar with but not as big of a fan of as the first. I actually accepted the first job offer and only worked three days before quitting and reaching out to my second offer in the hopes the position was still available. Luckily, it was and I have my first day on November 3rd! I am not going to discuss the details of the job just yet since I still haven’t started but, I wanted to share with you my exciting news and be honest with you that even though the end result is great it was a nightmare to get there.
EDC Las Vegas
I very impulsively decided to buy a ticket to EDC only a few weeks before the actual festival. A word of advice: do not decide you’re going to a music festival at the last minute. After overpaying for a shuttle pass and a ticket falling through… I still had so much fun! Be sure to watch my EDC Vlog below to see how the weekend went and also check out my EDC Haul for all the details on what I wore.
watch my EDC haul here
Watch my EDC vlog here
EDC was probably the most exhausting weekend of my life but so worth it. I can’t say when or if I will be returning; who knows, maybe I’ll buy another last-minute ticket again. The weekend itself went pretty smoothly, I went with a huge group which was honestly half the fun and I saw so many DJs I had never seen before. Some of my favorite sets were Tiesto, Walker & Royce, Alan Walker, Zhu, and Troyboi. I added in a few photos of the weekend but if you wanted to see more, follow me on Instagram @lojeanbb!
Is it just me or did this year not really feel like Halloween? This was the first time I have had a boyfriend around Halloween so we did so many fall and ~spooky~ things together. He had never seen any of the iconic movies (Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown, Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.) so we had to watch all of them and we did a day trip to a pumpkin patch near my house. Since Halloween was on a Sunday, we went to a little party on Saturday, the 30th, which was really fun but super last minute. I just wore a corset, shorts, and cowboy boots I already had in my closet and said I was a cowgirl and he dressed up as Soulja Boy (lol I know, bye). As I get older, doing something crazy on Halloween isn’t as enticing as it used to be and I actually really enjoyed what I ended up doing this year.
Current Obsessions
Don’t ask me why but, I am obsessed with bucket hats at the moment. More specifically, designer bucket hats. I think maybe it’s because I am really into hair accessories and these are some of the only hats that look good on my head. I have a Fendi bucket hat that is on my wish list but these two are too cute that I might need to buy them as well!
Isabel Marant - Farfetch
I have really not been watching much TV lately but I just started You season 3 and I am already obsessed. I loved this show when it came out so I am so excited that we finally get another season. I really like the idea of this new season with Love and the baby because it would be too repetitive if they did the same stalker thing like the last two seasons.