June '21 Recap

June 2021 Recap… right on schedule! Keep reading to find out what I have been up to this summer (so far).

What I’ve been buying

I have been trying to cut back on the spending since I haven’t been working or making much money lately. I did however take a trip to the thrift store and found some really awesome things. I love shopping from thrift stores because you can find really unique and amazing pieces for such low prices - I only spent around $30! I posted a new YouTube video recently giving a haul of all the items I picked up, so be sure to check it out below!


Lake Havasu

Ever since Covid started, I have been going on a lot of weekend trips to Arizona, probably because it is only a quick car ride away. If you already read my May Recap, you know I went to Pheonix for Memorial Day Weekend which was super fun. My friend, Sydney, and I have a friend who has a house in Lake Havasu and he invited us to stay for the weekend so obviously, we had to go. We drove out Friday night and left pretty early on Sunday, so it was a very quick trip. We spent all of Saturday on the lake in their boat which was really fun but extremely hot (no joke, it was like 105 degrees). I was honestly so exhausted after spending the day in the sun and heat that I was totally ready to go home the next day - I also got a lovely sunburn to take home with me. It’s little trips like these that have been really keeping me sane during this past year and a half but, I am ready for real travel soon; I’m thinking France or Italy next!

Monthly Manifestations

I had a pretty slow month of June which was nice considering I have a lot of really amazing things coming up in July. I have a few exciting job interviews(seriously like DREAM jobs) that I am really focusing on and manifesting for positive outcomes. I will also be virtually attending the Vogue Forces of Fashion event in early July which is something I need right now to get re-inspired and back into being productive. I feel like I am finally coming out of a slump/stagnant place and am looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year has in store.

Posted on 7/2/21

Updated on 7/12/21