February ‘22 Recap

I know this is a super late recap but only because I have had the craziest past few weeks moving (which I will go into detail on in my March recap). Honestly, I thought about skipping this monthly post altogether but February was an amazing month and I just had to share what I have been up to. I had very some very high highs and super low lows but that’s life and I wouldn't be real if I didn’t share all of it with you.

Apres Ski

In case you don’t remember (or haven’t read my January Recap) I learned how to ski very recently because I was invited on a big ski trip this month so I really needed to learn ASAP. After only two lessons I was on my way to Heavenly Ski Resort in Lake Tahoe for Presidents’ Day weekend. I was only skiing on two of the days we were there and the first day went well. The mountain is huge and from where we were, you had to ski to get to other chairlifts, since I am only a beginner I stayed at the first lift and did the same run all day. I was perfectly fine with this because I will quite literally have a mental breakdown if I go on a hard run. The second day was a shitshow, there were crazy winds so the whole mountain was icy. We only did a total of two runs that day and the second one took almost an hour because we kept slipping on the ice. Overall it was a super fun trip and I enjoyed skiing but I would be lying if I didn’t say I’m glad ski season is over, I need a break lol.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is really important to me but not in the roses and nice dinner reservation kind of way (although I wouldn’t be opposed to that). I love being in love and doing something special with your someone special is the best way to spend v-day (that was literally a poem wow, I smoked a little before writing this btw). I spent the 14th of Feb with my man at his apartment in Orange County. We both had to work that day but we met up for lunch in the afternoon so we could eat together. Once he got home we exchanged gifts, funny enough we both got each other workout-related presents; I got him a foam roller and new lids for his water bottle and he got me a cute Lululemon sports bra. He finally cooked me some lamb chops since he had been hyping up his cooking since we met and I will admit that they were really good. We ended the night in bed watching Hitch so I would say it was a perfect Valentine’s Day.

Taking a break

Another reason I had been taking a break from the blog was due to my man and I deciding to take some time apart. We had not been getting along very well and getting into a lot of arguments so instead of breaking off the relationship altogether, we chose to take a break from each other for a few weeks - three to be exact. I am not gonna lie the first week was hell but the second two weeks got easier because I was moving and going out with friends. I think going on a break can be great for your relationship (only if you have to do it once or maybe twice) and it can make you realize if you really need that person in your life.

Posted on 3/16/22

Read My Previous Monthly Recaps:

- January '22 Recap

- December '21 Recap

- October '21 Recap